1. i almost never confiscate stuff, unless the person is being obnoxious.
2. never hit a girl. arm, head, and leg locks are ok. that's it.
3. if someone pukes, they need to leave.
4. if someone falls asleep, they need to leave.
5. if a guy hits a girl in the face, destroy him.
6. if a brawl breaks out, watch out for other security. that's it.
7. guys who go into the girls bathroom get a warning. just one.
8. if a girl fight breaks out, watch...then break it up.
9. some drug dealers get one warning.
10. dont come to work without gloves or ear plugs.
Ha! Agree, on all accounts. You forgot one, if you find people drunk fucking in the bathroom. 1.)laugh/watch 2.)take pictures 3.) throw em out :) Cheers!